Form of state: Republic
Bratislava (452 288 inhabitants)
Cities: Košice (240 915), Prešov (92 687), Nitra (87 357), Žilina (86 685) Banská Bystrica (84 919), Trnava (70 191), Martin (60 772), Trenčín (58 872), Pop
rad (55 037), Prievidza (54 405), Zvolen (44 328).
Population: 5 367 790
Geografical information
Size: 49 035 km2
Height above sea level: 95 m n.m. (river Bodrog) – 2 655 m n.m. (Gerlachovský štít)
Neighbouring countries:
Czech republic, Hungary, Austria
Road traffic rules
Road signs corresponded to European norms. The maximum permissable speed in built-up areas is 60 km/h, outside built-up areas 90 km/h and on motorways 130 km/h. The use of safety belts is compulsory in towns as well. Drinking alcohol (including beer!) before driving is forbidden.
The following types of petrol are sold: UNI 91, 93 (special), UNI SUPER 95, 96 (Super), lead-free NATURAL - 95, 98 (Beifrei) and NAFTA (Diesel).
Passports and visas
Valid passports are required (not European identity cards). No visas are required for Citizens of European countries (apart Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Hercegovina and Moldava) and the USA (for citizens of the USA), Brazil, Republic of South Africa, China (for holders of diplomatic and business passports), Thailand etc.
Important Telephone Numbers
Police – 158
Emergency services Slovakia – 155
Fire brigade – 150
Information about telephone numbers – 120, 121
Information anbout international telephone numbers - 149
The telephone numbers given above apply throughout the Slovakia Republic.
Direct international telephone calls can be made to many countries in the world. When making an international call, you must dial the international code 00+ the code of the appropriate state + area code + telephone/fax number.
Shops and opening hours
Most shops are open from Monday to Friday from 09.00 till 18.00, major department stores and shopping centres on Thursday until 19.00 or 21.00 (Tesco).
On Saturdays the opening hours are from 8.00 till 12.00.
From 20.00 until 05.00 you can buy groceries in shops marked Večierka. Smaller shops usually have a lunch break.
Accommodation services and categories
Accommodation is divided into categories according to type and are divided into classes according to the facilities, quality, and the number of service provided. Classes are indicated by stars from the lowest class (*) to the highest (*****).
Hotels offer visitors services in the range of 1 (*) - 5 stars (*****).
Credit cards
Eurocard/Mastercard - accepted by all bank - VÚB, Komunálna banka, Slovenská sporiteľňa, ... Banks also accept VISA, American Express, Eurocheque. Big hotels and international hotel chains accept all kinds of credit card. Exchange offices can be found in branches of all banks, savings banks, and major department stores, and also in hotels, all post offices and travel agencies. They can be identified by the sign ZMENÁREŇ (CHANGE).
All floating CURRENCIES can be changed.
Border crossing:
Czech republic
Road crossings:
Kúty-Břeclav - (motorway D2-E65) is restricted to motorized vehicles only. The border can be crossed on foot, on bicycle, on motorbike, in car, bus, lorries and HGV at the following points:
Brodské-Lanžhot, Holíč-Hodonín, Skalica-Sudoměřice, Vrbovce-Veľká na Veličkou, Myjava-Veľká nad Veličkou, Moravské Lieskové-Strání, Drietomá-Starý Hrozenkov, Horné Srnie-Bylnice, Lysá pod Makytou-Střelná, Makov-Horní Bečva, Makov-Veľké Karlovice, Svrčinovec-Mosty u Jablunkova, Nová Bošáca-Březová, Klokočov (turzovka)-Bílá, Podzávoz-Šance.
Railway border crossings: Čadca-Mosty u Jablunkova, Lúky pod Makytou-Horní Lideč, Kúty-Lanžhot, Nemšová-Vlársky Průsmyk, Skalice-Sumoměřice, Holíč-Hodonín, Myjava-Veľká nad Veličkou, Lúky-Horná Lideč.
Road crossings: Bratislava-Petržalka-Berg, Moravský Svätý Ján – Hohenau.
The border can be crossed on foot, on bicycle, on motorbike, in car, bus, lorries and HGV without any restrictions.
Jarovce-Kittsee - border can be crossed on foot, on bicycle, on motorbike, in car (closed to HGVs).
Railway border crossing:
Bratislava-Devínska Nová Ves-Marchegg.
Road crossings:
Bratislava-Rusovce-Rajka, Hraničná pri Hornáde-Hidasnémeti, Komárno-Komárom, Kráľ-Bánréve, Slovenské Ďarmoty-Balassagyarmat, Slovenské Nové Mesto-Sátoraljaújhely, Šahy-Parassapuszta, Šiatorská Bukovinka-Samkőújfalu, Dlhá Ves (Domica-Aggtelek), Hosťovce-Tornanádaska, Milhosť-Tornyosnémeti, Veľký Kamenec-Pácin, Medveďov-Vámosszabadi, Salka-Letkés.
The border can be crossed on foot, on bicycle, on motorbike, in car, bus, lorries and HGV.
Railway border crossings:
Rusovce-Rajka, Komárno-Komárom, Fiľakovo-Somoskőújfalu.
River border crossings: Komárno-Komárom, Štúrovo-Esztergom.